There's a hidden illness that's silently causing one in every two deaths, but less than 1% of people even know about it. The World Health Organization has labeled it as the world’s biggest killer because it’s linked to heart attacks, heart blockages, most types of cancer, diabetes, obesity, and Alzheimer's—all the diseases that lead to death. They all have just one root cause: this secret illness that everyone tends to overlook. Because this disease is a silent killer that lurks in your body.

                It gives signs for years, but because people aren’t aware, no one pays attention. Then, after a few years, it becomes the root cause of serious issues like heart attacks, cancers, diabetes, mental illnesses, and many other severe diseases that can take a person’s life early. Do you feel tired or weak during the day? Do you lack motivation? Do you often have acidity or get sores on your tongue? Do you feel a burning sensation in your chest? Do you get pimples or rashes on your skin regularly? Are you gaining or losing weight for no reason?


 let’s do a simple experiment. If i slap my one hand with the other and see what happens. Well,  it would turned red, right? . So, when I hit myself hard, the impact caused micro-damages in my tissues. In response, my body first expanded the blood vessels in that area.

The blood rushes to that area to kickstart the healing process, which is why you see redness. But why do you still feel pain and burning? Well, as the blood vessels expand in that region, tiny micro-gaps form, allowing two important things to pass between the cells that help heal any wound. First up are our immune system's soldier cells, like white blood cells, including neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes, which tackle infections.

micro damage in vessels

Things like bradykinin, histamine, and prostaglandins come into play when our damaged cells tell our brain to create a pain sensation. This is so we pay attention to the damaged area and don’t use it too much, helping with recovery. In medical terms, this whole process is called inflammation, and fundamentally, this is the silent killer that's responsible for creating around 60 serious illnesses in different forms.

compostion of blood
I know this question might be on your mind, but inflammation, as we've seen, plays a major role in helping the healing process. So how is it that something meant to help the body heal is the cause of three out of five deaths? That's a really good question! Take the example of the hand we talked about earlier; the inflammation that develops there only lasts for a few minutes. If you get a wound or, say, a pimple on your face, the inflammation sticks around for a few days or maybe a couple of weeks at most.


Maximum, the inflammation that helps facilitate wound healing for a short time is called acute inflammation. And yes, it does help the body, but it’s really important to understand that inflammation is an emergency state, meaning it’s temporary and should stay that way. In the inflamed area, white blood cells work to eliminate bacteria and viruses, effectively sanitizing the area. Blood flow increases to speed up healing, and the pain sensation makes sure you don’t use that area. Once the wound heals, the infection should go away.


chronic inflammation
In simple terms, chronic inflammation means it's something that lasts for a long time, even years. In chronic inflammation, our own soldier cells, which are white blood cells, go from being our body’s defenders to acting like terrorists, wreaking havoc from the inside. Why does this happen? Because for years, our body is quietly burning in an emergency state, but these soldier cells don’t realize what the actual problem is, so they start attacking healthy cells too. This messes up our body’s natural processes. Let’s break it down with a simple example.

Some terrorists disguise themselves as ordinary civilians and start causing chaos in the city. If this situation goes on for months, the police will get confused about who’s a regular civilian and who’s a terrorist. The result is collateral damage, crossfire, or misunderstandings that could get a lot of innocent people killed. It’s similar to what happens in chronic inflammation, where the immune system begins to attack its own healthy cells because it can't tell the good cells from the bad ones.

Well, friends, Hippocrates, who’s known as the Father of Medicine, said something pretty interesting over 2000 years ago. He mentioned that all diseases actually start in our gut, and look at how true that is today! Not a lot of people know this, but about 70 to 80% of our immune system is in our gut. Now, pay attention: there’s a thin single layer of cells around our whole large intestine, which is the gut.

The gut barrier is like a border. On one side, you have 50 to 100 trillion microbes living in your intestines, known as gut microbes. On the other side, you have 70 to 80 percent of your immune cells, or soldier cells, swimming around in your bloodstream. 

The border, or rather that gut barrier, is what's keeping both sides from clashing. That's why that border, that gut barrier, is so crucial. You know who creates this gut barrier? Our gut microbes! It's because of these little guys that the gut barrier actually forms. If the microbes are healthy, the barrier will be strong; if they're unhealthy, the barrier will be weak. Just look at the gut!
vesels of gut


Let me give you a glimpse of how this impacts different parts of your body. If it's involved in 60 different diseases, you need to understand how this disease starts and spreads, so you can protect yourself. When I first learned about this disease, I was literally mind-blown by how one disease could be the root of so many chronic issues, sitting right at the intersection of 100 different illnesses.

So, imagine a person who smokes regularly. There are at least 7,000+ chemicals in cigarettes." Out of those, 69 chemicals have been proven to cause cancer. Now, what exactly does it mean to cause cancer? It means they damage cells at a micro level, messing with their DNA. And if you look closely, inflammation also causes damage to cells because that’s what triggers the healing response. That’s why there’s such a strong link between chronic inflammation and cancer.  So, let’s say you smoke regularly, and because of that, chronic inflammation is building up in your body. Once that happens...

Chronic inflammation sets up shop in your body, and if it gets out of hand, it can spread to other parts pretty quickly. If this inflammation starts hanging out in your lung cells, it can lead to inflammatory diseases like asthma or bronchitis. If it keeps getting worse, it could even cause lung cancer. That’s why the level of inflammation is a key indicator of what’s going wrong. If that same inflammation makes its way through your blood to your heart cells, it can cause fat buildup, or plaque, in your heart.

When things start to pile up, it can lead to diseases like atherosclerosis or cardiovascular disease, which are major causes of heart attacks. That's why there's a direct link between chronic inflammation and heart attacks. 

           Now, if this chronic inflammation starts concentrating in the kidneys through the blood, it can cause nephritis or kidney fibrosis.  If this inflammation spreads to the stomach, it can lead to gastritis, and if it gets into the intestines, it can cause ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. If it spreads to the liver, it can result in liver fibrosis or cirrhosis. If this spreads in the pancreas, it can mess with insulin production and cause diabetes. If it starts building up in the joints, it can lead to rheumatoid arthritis.

skin tissues get exposed, it can make you age faster. In fact, one major reason people look old at a young age is chronic inflammation because it breaks down collagen in skin cells, reducing elasticity and giving you an older appearance.

 It can even damage your DNA. And if chronic inflammation grips our brain, it can lead to a bunch of neurological disorders.


"Improve your life! I’m going to share some solutions that can make a difference, no matter how old you are. You can reduce inflammation in your body to levels similar to a healthy 25-year-old, helping you avoid diseases and live longer. But first, here’s an interesting fact: all the diseases that end with 'itis' basically mean there’s inflammation in that body part or organ. For example, inflammation in the stomach is called gastritis, and inflammation in the pancreas is pancreatitis." 

If you notice some symptoms of chronic inflammation in your body, how can you reverse it? 


solution 1

You see, beneficial gut microbes need specific things from us to stay alive and healthy. If we keep them happy by providing what they need, they keep us feeling good in return. Healthy gut microbes usually feed on fibers and complex carbs because they produce all sorts of enzymes.


When we cook these complex foods, short-chain fatty acids and other chemicals are released that are super anti-inflammatory. This means they signal the body to reduce inflammation. And I’m just talking about one type of anti-inflammatory chemical here. Different kinds of healthy microbes secrete various healthy chemicals that work together to put out the fire of inflammation in the body. This helps boost our immune system and fend off a lot of diseases.

On the flip side, if we consume high-sugar foods that are loaded with saturated fats, those saturated fats can feed bad microorganisms. When these fats break down into unhealthy fats, they start sticking to our body cells, which triggers our immune cells to attack, leading to inflammation. On the other hand, healthy gut microbes help keep the gut barrier strong, while unhealthy ones weaken it.

food to eat

! Foods like yogurt, dosa, idli, dhokla, pickles, chaas, kimchi, and kombucha all fall into the fermented category, which basically means they’re probiotic. They contain live microorganisms that, once ingested, have a positive impact on our body's microbiome.


Exercise is that crucial!

You don't need to do any intense exercises or anything fancy. Just sticking to a normal routine with low-intensity workouts can help lower your inflammation levels. Exercise keeps our gut bacteria healthy and boosts the production of anti-inflammatory hormones like endorphins and serotonin. If you do cardio for 20 to 25 minutes and spend another 15 minutes on weight training about four to five times a week, that’s totally enough. Regular exercise also helps reduce body fat levels since fat cells are the largest in the body.


 let’s finally talk about another super important solution: a proper sleep schedule. Honestly, I can't emphasize enough how crucial a good sleep schedule is. I've even made a detailed video about it.The importance of minute-to-minute sleep and its effects on our health are explained. Basically, sleep acts like a reset switch for our bodies, regulating everything from our hormones and emotions to our brain, heart, gut microbes, digestion, and the functioning of other organs. It literally prepares our body overnight for normal functioning the next day. However, due to today's modern and stressful lifestyles, we often compromise on sleep the most. 

what is chronic inflammation?

In simple terms, chronic inflammation means it's something that lasts for a long time, even years. In chronic inflammation, our own soldier cells, which are white blood cells, go from being our body’s defenders to acting like terrorists, wreaking havoc from the inside.

how can we reverse chronic inflammation?

only with the help of three simple ways we can reverse it in our body that is get proper dite, secondly do regular exercise ,thirdly get proper sleep

why we feel pain and burning sensation in wounds?

Well, as the blood vessels expand in that region, tiny micro-gaps form, allowing two important things to pass between the cells that help heal any wound. First up are our immune system's soldier cells, like white blood cells, including neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes, which tackle infections.

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